
With Baby Boomers on the rise, it is expected that there will be a significant increase of those requiring Medicare insurance, as well as supplemental insurance for the near future.

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It’s time to take out your tie-dye, put those friendship bracelets on, and get into the camp spirit! Now is the time to start marketing to parents who are looking to send their child to camp this summer.

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Email turns 47 this year and continues to be undoubtedly necessary as people around the world communicate every day. But how has it stood the test of time in a digital landscape marked by constant change?

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Email marketing is one of the most cost-efficient, high ROI channels that exists to usher in new revenue, new policyholders, and increase lifespan value. These leads, on average, create a 200% increase in sales opportunities with the help of insurance mailing lists.

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If you are a business owner and have been underestimating the importance of direct mail marketing, then you are missing out on a great opportunity. Don’t Sleep on Direct Mail Marketing because you will lose on a lot of potential customers that your company could have had.

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Top Ways to Maintain & Grow an Email Subscription List

Every company or organization needs different marketing methods for promoting and improving its business. While there are extensive options for expanding your business offline, the Internet world has opened the door to new marketing strategies. From social media platforms to creating blogs and websites, there are so many methods to choose from when it comes to promoting your company online.

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Gone are the days when the only way of communication was word-of-mouth. Gone are the days when the only medium of script was written on paper. We’re in the 21st century, and everything is ‘modernized’. Now announcements are made through Twitter and Facebook. Now WhatsApp is one of the fastest ways to communicate.

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For digital advertisers, it is not all sunshine and rainbows. There are many challenges unique to the digital scene that no one is discussing.

Not too long ago, ads were the final product of days, weeks, or even a months of careful research and imaginative work. Promotions from Coca-Cola, Kodak, McDonald's, and even Marlboro cigarettes, for better or for worse, established many notorious brands into our nation's DNA.

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So you sent out your direct mail campaign… you can find out if that mail was delivered, but was your message? Will your mail end up in the garbage, unread? Whether you choose to compile addresses on your own, or purchase a mailing list from a provider, getting your message into the right mailboxes is what will boost your sales.

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People have been predicting the demise of paper for almost four decades now, claiming paper is no longer relevant or needed in a digital world.Yet, despite the meteoricrise of digital communications and the countless organizations that have gone paperless in recent years, human nature continues to prove the paper-adverse pundits didn’t get it exactly right. And the latest proof that paper is still relevant is the resurgence of direct mail.

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