
If you’re in direct marketing or want to start a direct marketing campaign, one of the first things you’ll need is a list of people to reach out to. This can be physical addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers, depending on what kind of campaign you’re working on. While you can collect this information yourself by asking customers to sign up for a mailing list, you’re only going to be reaching people who have already visited your physical location or website.

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Despite all the attention digital marketing gets, print marketing is still an excellent way to reach your consumers. Traditional print marketing campaigns, such as direct mail marketing campaigns, can and do have an impact on consumer behavior when they are well executed.However, successful print marketing campaigns are all about maximizing your return on investment (ROI)

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None of us can deny that our culture operates on the “bigger is better” mentality, the allure of fast-moving entertainment, and the immediacy of electronic communication. But you might be surprised to learn that according to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), mail is a forerunner in the competition to win over potential customers. Mail boasts an average response rate of 4.4% in comparison to display ads at 0.04% and paid searches at 0.22%.

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With the rise of smarter tracking pixels and integration of data from multiple customer touch-points, businesses can easily ‘mine’ sensitive buyer information and reach out to leads without their consent.

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Did you know that 91% of consumers check their e-mail at least once per day? Okay—maybe this statistic isn’t so remarkable, considering how prevalent electronic correspondence has become in our society. What about the projection that the total number of worldwide e-mail accounts will increase from 3.9 billion in 2013 to over 4.9 billion in 2017? Perhaps that news is a little more impressive. But what if we told you that for every dollar that a company spends on e-mail marketing, that company will see $44.25 in returns?

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A telephone ringing insistently! Is there anything more compelling than this call to action? Versatile and cost effective, telemarketing done right can not only generate sales for businesses but also put them in direct contact with interested prospects who do not rely on a third party platform to receive targeted information about relevant products and services.

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