What do we mean by privacy? AmeriList will never disclose your personally identifiable information to any third party without your consent. From time to time you may request information from our business partners. While we cannot enforce these same terms, we have established agreements with all business partners that protect your privacy.

Here’s how we collect and use information from you in our efforts to provide the highest quality user experience:

IP Address

Your IP or “Internet Protocol” address and other site usage data is used to gather broad demographic information. This data helps us serve you by allowing us to understand how visitors use our web sites.


Our sites use a technology called “cookies”, small files stored on your computer by your browser to help keep track of your user profile. Our cookies do not collect personally identifiable information, nor do we share them with anyone. We use cookies to remember your personal profile for your convenience, to deliver content specific to your needs and interests, and to ensure you don’t have to re-key the same information repeatedly. We also use cookies to track user trends and improve areas of our sites that our users find valuable.


Some of our pages include registration forms that require users to give us contact information (like your name) and unique identifiers (such as your email address). Customer contact information is not shared with any other company or organization, but used internally so that, when possible, you can enjoy member benefits without having to register more than once. We use customer contact information from registration forms to send you information related to our products and services if you consent to receiving such mailings. Your contact information may also be used to contact you when necessary for administrative purposes related to your account. We use your email as a unique identifier in our record system, to verify communications from you, and to send you newsletters and promotion offerings that you ask to receive.

Submission Forms

Our site uses forms for you to request information, products and services. We collect financial information to bill you for the products and services you indicate. (See “Your Security” below for more on how we safeguard your business and financial information.)

Your Security

AmeriList has taken the following important measures to protect against loss, misuse or alteration of your personal or business information. We store no financial information on our site. When we do transmit your data, we use only Secure Servers using current encryption technology to encode your data safely. The personal data we do store on our system is protected by firewall and password.

Outside Links

While on AmeriList.com, you may be led to other web sites. Be aware that other sites may collect data and personal information and operate according to their own privacy practices. Please remember that, once outside AmeriList, any information you submit is outside of our control.


To provide you with the best products and services, we sometimes team with business partners. When you indicate that you want to receive a product or service, or contact a person or organization, we share the data needed for you to receive what you have indicated. Your personal information may be shared with an outside company for the sole purpose of administering the products and services you have selected.


AmeriList provides you the opportunity to opt out of receiving communications from our partners and us. To remove your personal information, email a request to the site at webmaster@AmeriList.com. To remove your name from a newsletter, simply reply to the email and type “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. Or, if you have signed up for the newsletter through Constant Contact on our website, simply click the “Safe Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any newsletter you receive to be removed immediately.

Contacting Us

If at any time you feel AmeriList has not adhered to this policy, email us at privacy.compliance@amerilist.com and we’ll do our best to determine any problem and quickly respond.

California Residents (CCPA):

The CCPA is a bill intended to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California. Without being discriminated against for exercising these rights, California residents have the right to request that we divulge what personal data we collect from you, to eliminate that information, and to opt-out of the selling of your information, subject to certain restrictions. You also have the right to designate an agent to exercise these rights on your behalf. The security of your information is our top priority.

The intentions of the Act are to provide California residents with the right to

  • Know what personal data is being collected about them.
  • Know whether their personal data is sold or disclosed and to whom
  • Say no to the sale of personal data.
  • Access their personal data.
  • Request a business to delete any personal information about a consumer collected from that consumer.
  • Not be discriminated against for exercising their privacy rights.

Right to Knowledge of Personal Information Collected, Distributed or Sold

You have the right to request that AmeriList release information to you about our collection, utilization, disclosure or sale of your personal data during the past year. Once we receive and have verified your request, we will disclose the following information to you:

  • What types of personal data we collected about you

    Identifiers, characteristics, commercial or transactional information, geography, internet or electronic activity, employment data, interests, etc.

  • The sources of the personal data

    Data compilers, surveys and questionnaires, public records, list brokers, etc.

  • Our business or commercial purposes for collecting or selling that personal data.

    Data marketing services, online targeting, effectiveness of marketing campaigns, developing new products

  • Third-parties with whom we share or have shared that personal data.

    Sharing for B2B and B2C clients to reach their target market

We are not in the business of compiling data, or retaining it. We procure data from list compilers and pass the data along to our clients, without storing it.

AmeriList, Inc. Privacy and Data Protection Policy

At AmeriList, Inc., we are deeply committed to the highest standards of compliance with all applicable privacy laws and regulations. Protecting the privacy and security of personal information is a responsibility we take very seriously.

Compliance with Daniel’s Law:

In alignment with our dedication to privacy, AmeriList, Inc. strictly adheres to the provisions of Daniel’s Law. We firmly assert that we do not engage in the sale, rental, or brokerage of personal data pertaining to individuals safeguarded under Daniel’s Law.

Definition of Covered Persons:

For the purposes of this policy, "Covered Persons" refers to individuals who are currently serving, have served, or are retired from roles as judicial officers, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and other positions protected under Daniel’s Law. This protection also extends to immediate family members of such individuals, provided they reside in the same household.

Enforcement and Compliance:

AmeriList, Inc. implements rigorous measures to ensure the integrity of our data handling processes, with specific protocols in place to identify and protect the information of Covered Persons. Our employees receive thorough training on these measures, ensuring that the principles outlined in this policy are integrated into our daily operations.

We are committed to continuously reviewing and updating our practices to remain in strict compliance with Daniel’s Law and other privacy regulations. This commitment underlines our dedication to safeguarding the personal information of all individuals, reflecting our core values of respect, integrity, and privacy.

For any inquiries or concerns regarding our Privacy and Data Protection Policy, please contact our Data Protection Dept at Privacy.Compliance@amerilist.com

Deletion Requests

You have the right to request that AmeriList erase any of your personal data that we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions. Once we obtain your request (https://www.amerilist.com/optout), we will delete your personal information from our records, as well as any third-parties with whom we have shared your data, unless an exception applies.

Please submit a request to us by either:

The request should include your contact information and describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it. In addition, you should provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify that you are the person about whom we collected the personal information or an authorized representative.