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Why does it seem like some marketing campaigns do exceptionally well while others seem to fall by the wayside? For one, you need a well-targeted email list. As a result, you’re more likely to experience higher open and response rates. Secondly, when you use an email list generated from a company like AmeriList, you receive lists that are backed by accurate data. So, your emails get sent out to prospects who are truly interested in your products and services. When you send the right message to the right people, they’re much more likely to open and read it. In this post, we're going to share a few tips on how to avoid common marketing campaign mistakes. Here are a few mistakes to avoid and how to fix them.

Common Mistakes in Email Marketing

They fail to create a marketing plan.

The first thing you should do before creating a marketing campaign is to create a marketing plan. This plan should be separate from your main business marketing plan. It doesn’t even have to be long and drawn out, just a simple yet effective strategy. This doesn’t have to be made for every campaign—an annual campaign will suffice. Start early fall for January of the following year. Or, the early spring for the summer season.

They ignore postal mail or direct mail campaigns.

If you want to get the most out of your email marketing campaign, mix online and offline marketing. Mail out well-branded postcards offering special incentives for subscribing to your emails. Consider including opt-in invitations with your company invoices.

Analytics are ignored.

Everyone desires to increase sales and revenue. However, how does one expect to improve their numbers if they don't have a clue where they are. Make sure you're up-to-speed by measuring your bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, and conversion rates.

They sound salesy or pushy

Some marketers believe that being aggressive or salesy will entice customers to buy. In reality, it will only repel people. This goes for all forms of marketing, direct response mail, telemarketing or email marketing. Instead, offer loyalty and more value.

They use unsolicited email addresses.

Only use email addresses you have gathered with permission. The easiest way to get quality emails is to buy an email list from a reputable mailing list broker. When you use unsolicited emails, you will run the risk of getting accused of spam or complaints.

They never ‘prune’ their lists.

In other words, they never delete subscribers that haven’t engaged with their brand (or emails) in a few weeks or even months.

Customer feedback is ignored.

It’s imperative for a business to monitor their customers’ feedback. Once you have identified their likes and dislikes, you can adjust accordingly.

These are just a handful of things that are normally ignored when planning a marketing campaign. Here are a few tips you should also consider:

  • Always add unsubscribe links to your email to allow your subscribers to explain why they’re unsubscribing.
  • Ask a developer to install automation tools that can handle your work overload.
  • Develop emails that clearly explain how recipients can get the most from your product or business.
  • Credibility means loyalty. You can help gain loyal customers through credibility.

Lastly, always keep your subject lines clear, creative, clear, and urgent. Use a voice that appeals to your key audience.

If you need help with your next campaign, contact AmeriList at: 1.800.457.2899 for a free market analysis.

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