Target voters by congressional district or by party affiliation with our Registered Voters mailing list. For over a decade, our registered voters list has been the secret tool for many successful political campaigns. These American voters have the ability to decide who moves up in the political world, our list gives you complete access to entire voter population by state. We can give you access to voters postal data, telemarketing data and email addresses. Our database is extremely versatile, it is a complete source of every current Registered Voter in the United States.
Our Registered Voters mailing list is created using a number of different sources, however, most notable is state voters registration rosters. This database is updated monthly to ensure quality and accuracy. This database is also processed against the USPS® National Change of Address (NCOA) system, in addition to Zip+4 coding and CASS Certification.
Our registered voters list is ideal for multitude of different types of offers most popular however is political campaigns to help candidates target the voters that reside in their constituencies who may be heading to the pools. This list is extremely useful because all of names are registered to vote, meaning they clearly have a high interest in voting and politics. In addition, this list can be used for other offers such as apparel, travel, financial, credit card, memberships, events, subscriptions, mortgage, home improvement, education and much more…