The Basics of Direct Marketing 

With much of marketing now digital thanks to social media, PPC ads, and other marketing channels, many people wonder if direct marketing is viable. However, it does remain a powerful form of reaching out to customers, so direct marketing shouldn’t be pushed aside in favor of other options. If you haven’t used direct marketing in your campaign, understanding the basics of what it is and why it can help you grow your customer base will help you see exactly why it needs to be a part of your marketing plan.

What Is Direct Marketing?

At its most basic fundamentals, direct marketing involves gathering a list of current or potential customers and reaching them with brochures, catalogs, or other mailers in hopes of enticing them to make purchases from your company or hire you for your services. When most people think of this type of marketing, they think of mailing physical items to potential customers. However, direct marketing has grown with technology. Today, direct marketing also includes sending emails and even text and social media messages.


Technology has also led to the creation of database marketing. This type of direct marketing involves gathering a large amount of data on potential customers, then analyzing that data to customize mailers for groups of customers or even for each individual on the list. It allows you to hone in on a particular group of potential customers and market directly to their specific needs. When you use customer data in this way, you can ensure that the people you are reaching out to need your product or service.


The Benefits of Direct Mail

There are a few different reasons why direct marketing is effective. If you do make use of lists, you can analyze the information provided to create focused direct mailings. By doing so, you reduce the cost of your marketing spend. You’re not sending direct mail to those who won’t be interested in what you offer. That’s a waste of printing and postage costs. For example, if you run a boutique that offers women’s clothing, sending mailers to single men will not result in a large number of leads. Using data to focus your campaign increases how effective it is. Contrast this to PPC marketing or billboards, where it’s not as clear if the right people see your ad.


Another benefit of direct marketing is that it can be quickly evaluated. For example, if you send out an email or text message with a specific link, you can see how many visits the linked web page gets. If you send the email to 1000 potential customers but only get about 20 visits, you know that your message needs to be revised.


How to Best Utilize Direct Marketing

You need to fully understand a few key points to get the most out of your direct marketing campaign. First, you need to know who to reach out to. Where collecting data or purchasing a mailing list is useful. If you are reaching out to potential customers, you will likely need to purchase a list, if you don’t have current data to analyze. While you could always send a mailer to all addresses within a specific location, the purpose of direct marketing is to be much more focused, and that requires investing in targeted, accurate data.


Next, you need to know the right form of direct communication. If your products are primarily aimed at younger customers, text messaging or social media contact may be more effective. If you’re a business-to-business company, sending direct mail or making phone calls may be a good option. Think about your audience and how they would want to interact with you. Additionally, you can note our Top 10 Direct Mail Marketing Tips To Try For Your Next Campaign which will save your time and brace you for your next marketing campaign


We Can Help

Direct marketing can be a challenge, especially if you are a new business. Creating your message, determining your audience, and working out the best way to contact that audience does take time and expertise. AmeriList can help you cut that time down significantly by providing you with carefully curated lists that allow you to reach out to those customers who are most likely to need what you’re offering. Read our blog Elevate Your Business With Direct Marketing Solutions. Don’t waste time and money marketing to people who do not need your products or services. With data from Amerilist, you can focus on the audience with the biggest chance of becoming your customers.

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