APP “Amerilist Promotional Products” has been providing businesses with top quality promotional items and business marketing services for over a decade. These individuals and small business owners spend an average of $800 on promotional items and tradeshow giveaways from Amerilist Promotional Products to help promote their business.
Our consumer data is compiled from active buyers who have made a purchase or inquiry on . In additional to actual buyer info we also update the list using multiple sources including Yellow Pages, Government Data, White Pages, SEC Filings, Annual Reports, Business Magazines and Industry Newspapers. This database is updated monthly to ensure quality and accuracy. This database is also processed against the USPS® National Change of Address (NCOA) system, in addition to Zip+4 coding and CASS Certification. Our Consumer Data is more than 95% deliverable… guaranteed!
This list is ideal for any B2B marketer who is looking to reach marketers who believe in the power of free giveaways. Ideal for offers from retailers, wholesalers, direct mail and email marketers, industry publications, hospitality, continuing education providers, credit card issuers, business services providers, travel and office supply product offers.