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Building a new customer list through email takes work. However, when it’s done with the right techniques, your efforts will really pay off in the long run. It's important to remember, your mailing list is the lifeblood of your company. The kind of list you maintain will either help increase your business or do the exact opposite. So, if you’re planning to build a new list, here are some email list building techniques to consider:

Email List Building Tips

  • Your email content must shine—You want individuals to remain subscribed and forward emails to their networks.

  • Offer of new lead-generation—A whitepaper or an ebook that is free can be developed. You can ask visitors to offer an email address for a download.

  • Convince subscribers to forward and share your emails—In marketing emails, include buttons for social sharing. You want access to colleagues, friends, and networks; you can increase your contact list.

  • By persona of buyer, segment email marketing lists or new customer lists—Email subscriptions can be used to send specifically chosen content to targeted segments of personas in your marketing.

  • Rejuvenate with opt-in marketing campaign—An opt-in message that is engaging can be created. This can be sent to encourage contacts who can re-enroll. You can use this to weed out contacts who neglect to respond.

  • Link can be added to signatures of employees—The hyperlink of email signatures can direct others to a landing page for them to sign up for a mailing list.

  • Free online resource or tool—Users just have to sign up with an email address.

  • Bonus Content—Offer free content for audiences to gain interest.

  • Online contest—Your website can provide an avenue for entrants to sign up with use of an email address.

  • On Social Media, a lead generator can be promoted—You can promote a free resource or ebook to followers to redeem, which stipulates an email address.

These are examples you can follow to boost your business email database. You can achieve email list-building from many different angles.


Opt-in fresh contacts can help boost your email list. You will have the chance to nurture your contacts with offers which enable you to convert leads at an early stage into leads that are sales-ready.

If you want to save time and help increase conversions, investing in paid email lists can help. For more details on how to attract more business with highly targeted mailing lists, call 1.800.457.2899.

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